Wednesday, May 21, 2008

When did fashion become 2nd trimester?!?

Original Post Date: 4/23/2006

Men, you can probably take a break on this one...

Now, on to the women. I will be the first one to admit that pregnant women are usually beautiful. I actually regret that I did not have professional pictures made when I was pregnant showing off my glowing, full form. However, that out of the way, let's go on to today's dress market.

I popped into Ross today. After going through my closet this morning for a summer dress that would pass for professional at the office, since it was going to be 83, I realized I had two. That won't do... Most of my wardrobe is professional and leans more towards covering up for the chilly side of the weather. I need some lighter things. I pulled eight, yes 8, dresses off the rack in beautiful fabrics, colors, and designs. Off to the fitting room I went. After pulling the fifth dress back off in frustration I realized there were going to be NO dresses I would find that was going to foot the bill. Every dress I had tried on was cut with an empire waist, complete with waist band, and a TIE in the back, like a bow. SINCE WHEN ARE WE ALL FOUR AGAIN? I can remember my mom tying my bow in the kindergarten.

And on top of that, when I did get the bow tied, I took a good long look at the side view in the mirror and this is what I saw:


UGH! When did it become fashionable to look pregnant? I know science says something about being able to attract more men if a woman looks able to bear a child (hips, breasts, etc) but THIS??? PLEASE.

I am happy to say I did finally find one dress that didn't have the bow, the empire waist, or the v neck that showed my bra. I bought it, besides, it was on sale.

Any thoughts on when this phenomenon happened???

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