Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What Is Love?

Original Post Date 3/26/2008

It doesn’t really matter how it happened. Not really. What matters now is that you realize you hurt someone you love, deeply. You may have gotten your panties in a wad or even gotten hurt too. But you are ultimately responsible for you and you hurt someone you love. Fortunately you are mature enough to hash it out. Or they are and you are forced to do the same, to not close down, bottle it up, however it works out, it’s brought out in the open. You talk about it. What it boils down to is, when you see the pain in their eyes, you’re cut to the heart and you feel their pain in your heart. You wrap your arms around them. You wish you could take it all back, undo all the damage, wish it all away. You talk it out. You realize that no matter what happened, nothing is worth loosing this person. No amount of pride could replace this person in your life. You hold them tight. And somewhere in the silence, you come to a middle ground. You understand each other again. And you’re closer for it, bound tighter than before. This conflict didn’t push you farther away from each other, it brought you that much closer together. Oh it could have, but it didn’t. Neither of you allowed that. That, my friends, is love.

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